Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photoshop converting paths to selection doing weird selections?

Can someone tell me in Photoshop CS3 on my MACs. why when I make a new path such as a circle within a circle and then change it into a selection, sometimes it deletes out the middle of the circle like I want it, but sometimes when I select the path and make it a selection, it only makes a circle then I have to go back and subtract the inner circle? Now it is doing something even weirder. I go to change a path to a selection and it is the inverse of whatever the path is. So I always have to invert it. I've restarted the computer and reinstalled photoshop. Is there a preference setting somewhere?

Photoshop converting paths to selection doing weird selections?computer protection

Okay, i'm pretty sure this is not just a CS3 issue, but we'll see.

Somewhere on your top bar, while you have your pen tool selected, there is a succession of little tiny buttons with images of squares overlapping on them. when you arrow over them, one of them should say 'exclude overlying path areas'. On CS2, it's the two dark squares. Does this help?

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